Sunday, March 6, 2011



Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya . Kata-kata itulah yang mungkin selalu terngiang-ngiang di kepala para peneliti di dunia kedoktoran sehingga meraeka tidak pernah berputus asa mencari terapi terbaik demi kesembuhan pesakit. Salah satu teknologi perubatan yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan dengan pesat ialah teknologi sel stem (stem cell). Pengembaran sel stem member harapan baru bagi penyembuhan berbagai penyakit yang belum ada ubatnya sampai saat ini.

Sel Stem adalah sel-sel tidak matang yang merupakan sel induk (master cell) di mana ia boleh bertukar, membiak dan membentuk dengan sendirinya menjadi pelbagai jenis sel dalam badan kita seperti sel saraf, sel kulit, sel darah dan semua jenis sel. Tetapi sel stem ialah sekumpulan prosuder baru dan teknologi yang memperkenalkan sel yang berkeupayaan untuk menjana atau mengantikan sel-sel yang berpenyakit dengan sel-sel baru yang sihat dan boleh berfungsi.

Sel Stem ternyata boleh digunakan untuk menjana sel-sel dan tisu –tisu gentian bagi merawat lebih 70 jenis penyakit seperti Parkinson, Al Zheimer, Leukemia,angin ahmar, serangan jantung, kencing manis, kanser, Down Syndrome, Penyakit Barah (Barah, Talasemia, Anemia, Sklerosis Multiple, Arthritis Rheumatoid dan lumpuh Saraf Tunjang. Ia juga boleh di gunakan untuk merawat sel sum- sum tulang yang rosak semasa merawat kemotrapi atau radioterapi.

Kaedah perubatan sel stem ini juga di panggil ‘cell transplantation’(dikenali sebagai zellentherapie’ di Eropah) telah digunakan untuk merawat lebih lima juta pesakit (menurut statistic yang berpengkalan di Jerman ) yang turut menaytakan sel stem memiliki kemampuan untuk mengembalikan penyakit Alzheimer, mengantikan kulit yang hilang akibat kecelakaan yang mengerikan atau menyembuhkan orang yang bergnatung pada kerusi roda agar dapat kembali berjalan. Itulah di antara beberapa bukti tentang kehebatan perubatan mengunakan sel stem ini.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Apa itu Apple Stem Cell


RAHSIA keajaiban untuk kekal sihat, kelihatan muda dan bertenaga ditemui sejak berabad lama.  Malah ramai individu tidak kira wanita atau lelaki sanggup berhabisan wang ringgit untuk memiliki pakej menarik itu.  Tetapi percayakah anda, hanya dengan sebiji epal mampu mengatasi masalah penuaan.  Mungkin agak sukar untuk kita mempercayainya tetapi itulah realitinya kerana buah itu mengandungi bahan anti oksidan yang tinggi.
Hasil kajian turut mendapati epal bukan sahaja dianggap bahan anti-pengoksida, malah ia berupaya mencegah penyakit barah.  Pengurus Unit Perniagaan Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland, Dr Fred Zulli berkata, pengambilan sebiji epal atau jusnya setiap hari mampu melambatkan proses penuaan.

"Sel stem epal berkesan menjadikan seseorang individu itu kembali merasai nikmat keremajaan dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan sel kulit dan membaiki epidermis iaitu lapisan luar kulit selain membentuk pigmen kulit". 

"Sel hayat dalam badan manusia mempunyai jangka hayat terhad disebabkan faktor peningkatan usia selain keadaan persekitaran dan pemakanan harian yang tidak sihat".
"Ia secara tidak lansung menyebabkan kulit kurang anjal dan tegang serta otot tisu pada kulit mengedut, sekaligus mempercepatkan proses penuaan," katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.  Di Switzerland rata-rata penduduknya mengamalkan memakan sejenis buah epal diberi nama Uttwiler Spatlauber yang membekalkan banyak khasiat kepada kesihatan.
Buah epal Uttwiler Spatlauber ini sangat istimewa kerana ia berupaya kekal segar dalam tempoh 6 hingga 8 bulan walaupun tidak diletakkan di dalam peti sejuk.  Sebuah syarikat tempatan, Biocareer International Sdn Bhd (BCI) telah mengambil inisiatif berkongsi kebaikan buah-buahan ini dengan mengeluarkan produk kecantikan - Moisturizer dan minuman kesihatan - Nutrifresh yang diberi nama STEM SCIENCE.

Sel stem epal yang terdapat dalam produk ini menggunakan kaedah Phyto-CellTec.  Lebih menarik buah ini kaya dengan phytonutrien, protin dan mempunyai sel hidup yang tahan lama.  Produk STEM SCIENCE ini boleh dijadikan makanan tambahan kepada pengguna kerana ia bukan sahaja melambatkan proses penuaan malah menjadikan anda sihat dan lebih bertenaga.

Produk Moisturizer boleh digunakan oleh sesiapa sahaja samaada lelaki atau perempuan tanpa was-was manakala produk Nutrifresh ini boleh diminum oleh sesiapa sahaja tanpa mengira usia dan ia tidak mendatangkan bahayakepada ibu yang sedang mengandung.  Kebanyakan orang akan kehilangan sebanyak 30% fiber kolagen ketika mereka mencecah usia 40-an dimana ianya menyebabkan kedutan dan kulit mula mengendur.  Rousselot Hydrolysed Collegen dalam sel stem epal ini membantu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan fiber kolagen yang menjadikan kulit lembut, tegang dan sihat dari dalam.  

Sel stem epal ini juga berupaya memulihkan sistem kardiovaskular, risiko penyakit jantung, strok dan kolestrol tinggi serta mengawal diabetis, meningkatkan sistem imunisasi badan serta melegakan penyakit sendi.

STEM SCIENCE brightening Moisturizer sememangnya produk kecantikan lengkap dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki yang mampu menjadikan seseorang itu kelihatan menawan, menarik, cantik, cergas dari luar dan dalam.

Manakala STEM SCIENCE Brightening Nutrifresh Beverage pula adalah minuman berkhasiat tinggi yang mudah diserap kedalam badan kerana kaedah penggunaan Teknologi Nano dan mempunyai ciri-ciri melindung serta mengaktifkan Sel Stem kulit.  100% semulajadi, tiada pewarna dan bahan kimia serta selamat digunakan.

Bagaimana Sel Stem Dikumpulkan?

Sel Stem boleh di dapati dari tali pusat bayi yang baru dilahirkan, juga boleh didapati dari sel organ dan sel sum sum tulang manusia. Darah di dalam tali pusat bayi adalah sumber sel stem yang sangat bernilai secara genetiknya unik kepada bayi dan keluarganya sahaja. Sel stem juga dewasa kini banyak diambil dari sel haiwan seperti arnab.

Kecanggihan teknologi perubatan sel stem tidak ada penghujungnya... Penyelidikan tentang sel stem semakin giat dijalankan oleh saintis dunia dan akhirnya kini Sel Stem tidak lagi diperolehi dari stem manusia atau haiwan, tapi diambil dari buah-buahan.
 Salah satu buah yang paling popular dan paling banyak digunakan untuk memproduksi stem sel ialah  

Teknologi ini lebih dikenali sebagai........APPLE STEM CELL ( SEL STEM EPAL)

Kenapa Buah Epal? Kenapa bukan buah Durian atau Manggis atau Delima??? Apa Keistimewaan Buah Epal Dari Segi Perubatan???

Sebiji epal mampu mengatasi masalah penuaan.  Munkin sukar dipercayai, namun itulah kenyataannya kerana buah itu mengandungi bahan anti oksidan yang sangat tinggi.  Hasil kajian menunjukkan Epal bukan sahaja dianggap ahan anti-pengoksida, malah ianya juga mampu mencegah penyakit barah.  Secara tidak lansung ia boleh menghalang sel dalam badan daripada mengalami kerosakan dan mematikan bahan radikal bebas yang berbahaya.

Epal mengandungi elemen kesihatan ohytonutrient yang boleh melambatkan proses pengoksidaan kolestrol yang tidak baik iaitu satu proses yang berperanan dalam pertumbuhan penyakit jantung.  Pengurus Unit Perniagaan Mibelle Biochemistry Switzerland,
Dr Fred Zulli berkata `Pengambilan sebiji epal atau jusnya setiap hari mampu melambatkan proses penuaan'.  Sel Stem buah itu mampu memberi kesan positif kepada manusia kerana ia berupaya memperbaiki tisu dan sel dalam badan di samping menggalakkan penghasilan sel baru.

"Sel kulit manusia mempunyai jangka hayat terhad, ditambah pula usia yang semakin meningkat selain keadaan persekitaran yang tidak menentu memberi implikasi negatif kepada kulit.  Secara tidak lansung keadaan itu menyumbang kepada kehilangan regangan kulit, menimbulkan kedutan dan sekaligus mempercepatkan proses penuaan" katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.

Lebih menarik buah epal kaya dengan fitonutrien, protin dan mempunyai sel hidup yang panjang, malah ia ada sel tisu Malus PhytoCellTec Domestica pada sel stem pokoknya.  Beliau menambah, sel tisu berkenaan didapati boleh membantu melindungi sel induk kulit manusia daripada unsur yang boleh merosakkan kulit seperti sinaran ultra ungu (UV).

Epal memiliki khasiat tersendiri yang juaga bertindak mencantikkan kulit, sekaligus mengatasi masalah penuaan.  Ia juga mengandungi kandungan vitamin C yang tinggi dan berupaya menggalakkan pembentukan gigi, tulang, tisu bawah kulit dan rawan yang sihat.  Sel stem buah itu berkesan mengembalikan keremajaan kulit dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan sel premium kulit yang menjadi sumber utama untuk membaiki epidermis iaitu lapisan luar di samping menggalakkan pembentukan pigmen kulit.



Apple Stem Cells Offer Hope for Aging and Damaged Skin

As we age, the reduced turnover of our cells means we can lose control over how our skin ages. Epidermal stem cells needed to create healthy new skin are significantly reduced and function less efficiently. A discovery based on promising plant stem cell research may allow you to regain control.
Scientists have found that a novel extract derived from the stem cells of a rare apple tree cultivated for its extraordinary longevity shows tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin. By stimulating aging skin stem cells, this plant extract has been shown to lessen the appearance of unsightly wrinkles. Clinical trials show that this unique formulation increases the longevity of skin cells, resulting in skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.
Stem Cells
Cells in our bodies are programmed for specific functions. A skin cell, a brain cell, and a liver cell all contain the same DNA, or set of genes. However, each cell’s fate is determined by a set of epigenetic (able to change gene expression patterns) signals that come from inside it and from the surrounding cells as well. These signals are like command tags attached to the DNA that switch certain genes on or off.
This selective coding creates all of the different kinds of cells in our bodies, which are collectively known as differentiated (specialized) cells.

Although differentiated cells vary widely in purpose and appearance, they all have one thing in common: they all come with a built-in operational limit. After so many divisions, they lose their ability to divide and must be replaced. This is where stem cells come in.
Your body also produces other cells that contain no specific programming. These stem cells are “blank,” so your body can essentially “format” them any way it pleases. Two universal aspects shared by this type of cell are: (1) the ability to replenish itself through a process of self-renewal and (2) the capacity to produce a differentiated cell.

In animals and humans, two basic kinds of stem cells exist: embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the power to change into any differentiated cell type found anywhere in your body. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are generally more limited. They can only evolve into the specific type of cell found in the tissue where they are located. The primary function of these adult stem cells is maintenance and repair.
But certain adult stem cells found in nature retain the unlimited developmental potential that embryonic stem cells possess. These cells have become the main focus for an exciting new wave of regenerative medicine (repairing damaged or diseased tissues and organs using advanced techniques like stem cell therapy and tissue engineering).
The Role of Stem Cells in the Skin
The basal (innermost) layer of the skin’s epidermis comprises two basic types of cells: (1) the slowly dividing epidermal stem cells (that represent about 2-7% of the basal cell population) and (2) their rapidly dividing offspring that supply new cells to replace those that are lost or dying.1-3
The slow self-renewal process of epidermal stem cells, however, creates a problem. Because each epidermal stem cell only lasts for a certain number of divisions, and because each division runs the risk of lethal DNA mutation, the epidermal stem cell population can become depleted. When this happens, lost or dying skin cells begin to outnumber their replacements and the skin’s health and appearance start to decline.
So what can be done? Scientists turned to plants for the answer.
Planting a Seed of Hope
Plants also have stem cells. Like humans, plant stem cells depend on epigenetic control and signals from surrounding cells for their development. Unlike humans, however, each plant-derived adult stem cell possesses the ability to generate a whole new plant.4 Scientists have found a way to harness the power of plant stem cells by growing plant tissues in culture.
The technique is a relatively simple one. First, viable tissue is obtained from a source plant. This material is called an explant. Next, a small cut is made in the explant. New cells form on the surface of this cut in an attempt to heal the wound. This colorless mass of cells is called a callus. The slowly dividing cells of a callus are undifferentiated cells that lack the characteristics of normal plant cells. They are essentially unprogrammed and full of potential.
With this technology, it is theoretically possible to propagate any plant cell in a liquid culture, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities. This fact started scientists thinking—what would happen if an extract of genetically long-lived plant stem cell tissue was applied to human skin?
Comparing Apples to Apples
Today, apples are cultivated primarily to enhance their appearance and flavor. But before the rise of refrigeration, an apple’s ability to stay fresh for a long time was its most sought-after characteristic.
For this reason, a special variety of apple was cultivated in the middle of the 18th century that could be stored for a greatly extended period of time. In essence, it was the genetically modified, longer-living stem cells of this tannin-rich variety of apple, called the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple, which were responsible for its unique storage longevity.
In a certain isolated area of rural Switzerland, a few of these hardy apple trees still survive today. Scientists obtained an explant from the leaf of one of these trees to produce a special anti-aging stem cell extract. 
The Amazing Results
In order to test the theory that this unique plant extract would produce anti-aging effects, scientists at Mibelle Biochemistry first obtained human stem cells from the blood of an umbilical cord. Their first in-house study on cell viability showed that, at a concentration of only 0.1%, an extract of Uttwiler Spätlauber stem cells stimulated the proliferation of human stem cells by an astounding 80%! 5
In a second experiment, these scientists irradiated the umbilical cord blood stem cells with UV light. Nearly 50% of the stem cells cultured in growth medium alone died, but the cells grown in the culture containing the special apple extract showed only a small decrease in the number of living cells.5
Another in vitro experiment conducted by the scientists involved fibroblast cells. These are the most common of all cells in the connective tissue of the skin. They manufacture the collagen, glycosaminoglycans, reticular and elastic fibers, and glycoproteins that make up the extracellular matrix (connective tissues providing support to cells). Fibroblasts not only help provide a structural framework for the skin, they also play a critical role in wound healing.
In their experiment, the scientists treated fibroblast cells with hydrogen peroxide for two hours until the cells began to show classic signs of aging. In scientific terms, this means that several genes essential for cell proliferation and growth were significantly down-regulated. However, after incubating these cells for 144 hours in a 2% Uttwiler Spätlauber extract, this down-regulation of genes was effectively neutralized, and in some cases, it was actually reversed! In addition, the scientists noted that the expression of an important antioxidant enzyme called heme oxigenase 1 was also stimulated.5
Finally, the scientists conducted a human study to determine the anti-wrinkle effectiveness of a special cream containing a 2% Uttwiler Spätlauber extract along with lecithin liposomes. This patent-pending cream (called PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica) was applied twice daily to the crow’s feet area of 20 participants. Wrinkle depth was reduced by an average of 8% after just two weeks, and by 15% after four weeks—thus reducing the signs of aging!5
What You Need to Know: Apple Stem Cells Offer Hope For Aging and Damaged Skin
  • Scientists are conducting intensive research on stem cells, which show tremendous potential to repair damaged tissues and organs.
  • Stem cells are capable of self-renewal and can transform themselves into differentiated cells.
  • Epidermal stem cells are crucial to replenish the skin cells that are lost due to continual shedding. When epidermal stem cells are depleted, the number of lost or dying skin cells outpaces the production of new cells, threatening the skin’s health and appearance.
  • Like humans, plants also have stem cells. Scientists are keenly interested in a stem cell extract from the Uttwiler Spätlauber apple tree, whose fruit demonstrates an exceptionally long shelf-life.
  • This extract, termed PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica, has been shown to stimulate human stem cell proliferation, protect stem cells against ultraviolet light-induced death, and mitigate aging-related alterations in gene expression.
  • A human study showed that topical application of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica reduced the depth of crow’s feet wrinkles after only two weeks.
  • Chondrus crispus (red seaweed) extract, hyaluronic acid, and an antioxidant tea blend complement the effects of PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica to help promote radiant, youthful skin.

Revitalize Your Skin
A potent concentration of this PhytoCellTec™ Malus Domestica is now available to help preserve and protect your vital skin stem cells. This special apple extract complements other ingredients provided in a new topical formula.
One is a special extract of Chondrus crispus, a red seaweed found only in the cold waters off the Atlantic coast. With its abundance of mineral salts, trace elements, proteins, and vitamins, this extract is an excellent emollient with soothing, anti-inflammatory properties.6 Other anti-aging ingredients are hyaluronic acid (noted for its outstanding moisturizing ability)7 and a concentrated antioxidant tea blend, which helps fight the free radicals that contribute to skin aging.8,9
Combined, these ingredients comprise an innovative topical formulation that protects and preserves the youthful look and vitality of your skin in ways never before possible. Just a tiny bit applied to your face, neck, and décolleté area twice daily can help revitalize the tone, texture, and appearance of aging skin.
Research by Gary Goldfaden, MD, a clinical dermatologist and lifetime member of the American Academy of Dermatology, is founder of Academy Dermatology in Hollywood, FL, and COSMESIS Skin Care. He is also a member of the Life Extension Scientific Advisory Board. 

Company Background



Bio Career International Sdn Bhd pada awalnya mula ditubuhkan pada bulan Ogos 2010 oleh seorang usahawan tempatan yang tetarik dengan kehebatan produk, Lokasi perniagaan asalnya terletak di Parit Buntar, Perak dengan keluasan tanah sekitar 12 ekar dilengkapi dengan sebuah bangunan untuk berurusniaga seluas 80 ribu kaki persegi.  Kini Ibu pejabat Bio Career International Sdn Bhd di Malaysia dengan rasminya telah dibuka dan sudah mula beroperasi pada 01hb Januari 2011 beralamat di Blok A, No 7-1-2 Megan Salak Park, Jalan 2/125E, 57100 Taman Desa Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.

Produk keluaran Bio career diproses menggunakan teknologi canggih sesuai dengan keperluan sijil HALAL. Kandungan bahan yang digunakan diproses mengikut garis panduan  ASEAN GMP serta keperluan HACCP untuk menghasilkan kosmetik penjagaan kulit, diet dan suplemen kesihatan. Produk keluaran BioCareer diproses menggunakan sel induk epal liar `phytocelltec' yang berasal dari Switzerland untuk menghasilkan produk yang tulen dan tahan lama.

Bio career International kini memperolehi kelulusan secara SAH daripada Biro Pengawalan Farmaseutikal Kebangsaan, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) untuk produk STEM SCIENCE Brightening & Firming Moisturizer.  Produk keluaran Bio Career telah berdaftar dengan KKM dan diiktiraf sebagai produk kosmetik yang selamat untuk dugunakan.

No rujukan pengiktirafan bagi produk STEM SCIENCE Moisturizer ialah 2010120004274-P.
Untuk produk STEM SCIENCE Nutrifresh pula bakal mendapat kelulusan dalam masa yang terdekat.